============ Architecture ============ We will explain, at a broad level, how reduct-redux is structured, then link to module pages that explain how individual subsystems work. You should be comfortable with the following: - ECMAScript 6/2015+ - DOM APIs like HTML5 Canvas - General Linux/Bash command line familiarity MDN_ is the best resource for Web API/ECMAScript questions. (W3schools might show up on Google, but isn't generally to be trusted.) Reduct-Redux consists of four main components: - an immutable representation of the core game state (expressions, globals, etc.), stored in Redux_, - a syntax & semantics module that defines core expressions, parsing, evaluation, and other utilities, - a graphics abstraction to draw to the screen, - and the Stage which ties all these together. ``index.js`` loads resources, sets up the game state, loads a semantics module, and creates the stage. Game State ========== *Relevant source files:* ``src/reducer`` State consists of the following: - nodes, which are individual nodes in an abstract syntax tree; - globals, which are mappings of global names to nodes; - the board, which is a list of top-level nodes in the main game area; - the toolbox, which is a list of top-level nodes in the toolbox; - the goal, which is a list of top-level nodes in the goal. These are all stored in an *immutable* store. This sounds odd, but it's because we're using Redux_ to manage this state. Broadly speaking, Redux follows this workflow: 1. An immutable store represents current game state. 2. In response to something the user does, the game dispatches an *action* to the Redux store. 3. A Redux *reducer* function interprets the action and generates a new store, which replaces the old one. Some examples of actions might be: - Step an expression to another expression - Unfold a name and replace it with its definition - Undo the previous action Dealing with immutability in plain ECMAScript isn't fun, so instead, we use `Immutable.js`_, a library that provides a set of immutable data structures and ways to easily manipulate them. Because we can't override operators, we have to use methods like ``node.get("id")`` instead of being able to just request ``node.id``, unfortunately [#immrec]_. A further complication is that generally, Redux doesn't recommend directly storing deeply nested data, like our abstract syntax trees. Thus, we assign each node a unique numeric ID, and store nodes in an Immutable.js Map (hashtable) from node ID to node object (which is itself another Immutable.js Map). Nodes don't directly reference other nodes, but instead store the IDs of parent or child nodes. Similarly, the board, goal, and toolbox are lists of node IDs, and the globals are a Map from name to node ID. These IDs are assigned by a monotonically increasing counter. This design has consequences for how the UI/graphics toolkit works, as we'll see. .. seealso:: :doc:`modules/reducer`, :ref:`Mutable vs Immutable Expressions`, and :ref:`Expression Fields` Syntax & Semantics ================== *Relevant source files:* ``src/semantics``, ``src/syntax`` The game needs to be able to parse expressions, and it needs to be able to manipulate them. Originally, the dream behind Reduct was to be able to support any number of different languages, and so in Reduct-Redux, the game is written to be independent of the underlying language presented. (In practice, there are lots of things hard-coded, though most could be easily abstracted out.) At a high level, expression types in Reduct-Redux are defined by specifying JavaScript objects containing details like: - what fields the expression has (e.g. a number has a value field), - how many child expressions there are (a binop has a left and a right child), - how to small-step reduce this expression (a binop adds the left and right children, assuming both are numbers), - and so on These are then combined by the engine with a set of general helper functions for performing substitutions, evaluating expressions, searching them, and so on. (In some sense, this is like an OCaml functor, where you provide a base module and the functor augments it.) Here's an example of an expression definition: .. code-block:: javascript // Application block { kind: "expression", fields: [], subexpressions: ["callee", "argument"], reductionOrder: ["argument", "callee"], projection: { type: "decal", content: { type: "default", shape: "()", fields: ["callee", "'('", "argument", "')'"], }, }, stepAnimation: (semant, stage, state, expr) => { // …snip… }, stepSound: "heatup", validateStep: (semant, state, expr) => { const callee = state.getIn([ "nodes", expr.get("callee") ]); const kind = semant.kind(callee); if (kind === "value" && callee.get("type") !== "lambda") { return [ expr.get("callee"), "We can only apply functions!" ]; } return null; }, smallStep: (semant, stage, state, expr) => { const [ topNodeId, newNodeIds, addedNodes ] = semant.interpreter.betaReduce( stage, state, expr.get("callee"), [ expr.get("argument") ] ); return [ expr.get("id"), newNodeIds, addedNodes ]; }, }, In particular, note the ``projection`` field, which is the convenient interface to the graphics abstraction described below. (See :ref:`JSON-Defined Views` for documentation specifically about defining views via this interface.) .. seealso:: :doc:`modules/semantics` and :ref:`Expression Fields` gfx: Graphics Abstraction ========================= *Relevant source files:* ``src/gfx`` :doc:`modules/gfx` is our ad-hoc graphics & layout library. A *view* (also *projection*) is an object with two methods: ``prepare(viewId, exprId, state, stage)`` and ``draw(viewId, exprId, state, stage, offset)``. The former is used to do any layout calculations or update any state, and the latter actually draws to the canvas context. First, note that views aren't directly coupled to a particular node: it's passed when drawing. Views can't keep direct references to nodes, because if the store were to change, the view would have a reference to the old copy of the node (since they're immutable). Consequently, views can't even directly have child views: *view hierarchy is implicit*. A view that represents an expression and its children doesn't know what the expression is until it draws; thus, it can't know what the child views are either! Thus, we give views a unique numeric ID as well. This comes from the same pool as expression IDs; an expression, if drawn, has a top-level view with the same ID. However, an expression might have multiple views associated. (TODO: add gfx docs and explain how this happens). *Projecting* (verb) is what creates the associated views for an expression. This is what takes the JSON representation above and builds the view hierarchy. .. seealso:: :doc:`modules/gfx` (in particular, :ref:`JSON-Defined Views`), :doc:`modules/gfx/animate` Stages ====== Stages tie the previous three systems together: given a store and a semantics module, it creates and renders views. They are a relatively minimal abstraction; they don't even provide a scene graph, and need to manually specify everything to be rendered. Most helper code lives here; for instance, when an expression is clicked, the stage calls out to the semantics module, registering callbacks to update its store whenever a step is taken, and updates the views after each step. .. seealso:: :doc:`modules/stage`, :doc:`modules/ui` .. _MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web .. _Redux: https://redux.js.org/ .. _`Immutable.js`: https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/ .. _`Immutable.js Records`: https://facebook.github.io/immutable-js/docs/#/Record .. [#immrec] This could be solved by defining and using `Immutable.js Records`_ everywhere.