========== Deployment ========== Reduct-Redux does not need anything in particular server-side. Build the production version as follows: .. code-block:: bash yarn dist If you have SSH access to a web server, you can simply copy the files over: .. code-block:: bash rsync -raP dist/* --exclude resources user@lidavidm.me:/var/www/html/ rsync -raP resources/ user@lidavidm.me:/var/www/html/resources If you want to use GitHub Pages, simply copy and commit the contents of ``dist/`` and ``resources/``. Also commit a `.nojekyll`_ file. Make sure to copy the contents of the resources folder into the GitHub Pages repository, and not just the symbolic link, otherwise it won't work. Administration ============== For use in classroom: - The password between levels is ``cornell``. - :kbd:`Control-F6` and :kbd:`Control-F7` go to the previous/next level. - :kbd:`Control-F8` will toggle the development toolbar. - :kbd:`Shift-F9` will reset the game. (It doesn't ask for confirmation, which is why it's on a different key.) Game is Slow ============ In Google Chrome: 1. Visit chrome://flags/ 2. Find "Accelerated 2D canvas". Set this to "Disabled" and restart Chrome. Logging ======= Change ``src/version.js`` to change the reported game version. (Doing so will also clear any saved progress when the game next loads.) Levels are logged as quests, with the end-of-chapter screen logged as quest -1 and the title screen as quest -2. .. _`.nojekyll`: https://blog.github.com/2009-12-29-bypassing-jekyll-on-github-pages/