
Reduct-Redux does not need anything in particular server-side.

Build the production version as follows:

yarn dist

If you have SSH access to a web server, you can simply copy the files over:

rsync -raP dist/* --exclude resources
rsync -raP resources/

If you want to use GitHub Pages, simply copy and commit the contents of dist/ and resources/. Also commit a .nojekyll file. Make sure to copy the contents of the resources folder into the GitHub Pages repository, and not just the symbolic link, otherwise it won’t work.


For use in classroom:

  • The password between levels is cornell.
  • Control-F6 and Control-F7 go to the previous/next level.
  • Control-F8 will toggle the development toolbar.
  • Shift-F9 will reset the game. (It doesn’t ask for confirmation, which is why it’s on a different key.)

Game is Slow

In Google Chrome:

  1. Visit chrome://flags/
  2. Find “Accelerated 2D canvas”. Set this to “Disabled” and restart Chrome.


Change src/version.js to change the reported game version. (Doing so will also clear any saved progress when the game next loads.) Levels are logged as quests, with the end-of-chapter screen logged as quest -1 and the title screen as quest -2.