
Reduct-Redux is theoretically (see Areas of Improvement) independent of the actual language used. To accomplish this, the semantics of the language are defined in a separate module and passed to the other parts of Reduct.

The semantics of a language are defined as a giant object, with fields specifying the different types of expressions and other miscellaneous behavior. This object is run through transform:


This module turns a JSON-plus-functions specification of language semantics and builds a module for the rest of Reduct to interact with the semantics.

The result is a full semantics module, whose methods are given in Semantics Functions.

The object should have the following fields:

Just a name for the language.
Specifies how to parse the language. See Defining Parsing.
An object specifying all the expression types. See the next section, Defining Expressions.

Defining Expressions

New expressions are defined as objects, with a number of required and optional fields.

Required fields:

What kind of expression (value, expression, statement, syntax, or placeholder). This is important—only an expression can be clicked on, for instance, and reaching a value will stop evaluation!
A (possibly empty) list of fields the expression should have. For instance, a number expression would have a value field, or definition syntax might have a name field.

A (possibly empty) list of additional fields that contain child expressions. For instance, definition syntax might have a subexpression for the body.

Also see Dynamic Subexpressions below.

See JSON-Defined Views.

Optional fields:

See Type Checking below.
Defines whether an expression is selectable or hoverable. Should be a function whose signature is (semant, state, expr) => boolean where semant is the generated semantics module, state is the Redux state, and expr is the Immutable.js Map representing the expression. It should return true if and only if the expression in its current state should be selectable.

Type: Boolean

Alternatively, you can specify that the expression must always be targetable. This is a simple Boolean field, and is used for holes.


Type: Boolean

If specified, when created, the expression will be locked/unlocked by default (defaults to locked). Used for holes.


Type: function (semant, stage, state, expr) => [ NodeId, NodeId[], Node[] ] | MutableExpression | ImmutableExpression

This is what defines how an expression takes a small step. If called, and if validateStep is defined, you can assume that validateStep did not return an error.

The result can be one of three things.

If the result is a single expression that already exists (e.g. an if expression returning one of its branches—see src/semantics/es6/conditional.js), you may simply return the immutable expression object. (You should remove any parent and parentField fields first.)

If you are returning an entirely new expression, you can do so either by returning a mutable expression or an immutable expression. If returning a mutable expression, simply return the constructed object. (For an example, see src/semantics/es6/binop.js.) If returning an immutable expression (e.g. src/semantics/es6/apply.js), the result is a 3-tuple:

  • the ID of the node that was changed (generally will be expr.get("id")),
  • a list of node IDs that constitute the result (yes, you can step to multiple expressions, technically; this is an API artifact and most of the rest of the engine will break if you do this) [1],
  • a list of immutable expressions that were created in the process. These should have IDs assigned already.

The reason for the three modes is for convenience: building a new expression is easier when it’s mutable, but some expressions, like apply, call out to existing infrastructure that work with immutable expressions and return such a 3-tuple, and others, like conditional, simply want to return a subexpression. Generally, you won’t be constructing the 3-tuple manually; it’ll be the result of calling into the evaluation engine for something else.


Type: function (semant, stage, state, expr, argIds) => [ NodeId, NodeId[], Node[] ]

This is similar to smallStep, except you now have an array of argument expression IDs. You should probably use core.genericBetaReduce(). Note that this should be defined both for the overall lambda expression, as well as the “parameter expressions”, since the engine will look for a betaReduce function for the expression that the argument was dropped over. (Both are needed since expressions like apply instead look at the overall lambda expression.)


Type: function (semant, stage, state, expr) => Promise

Define an animation for reducing this expression. Result should be a Promise; evaluation will continue once it is resolved.


Type: string or function (semant, state, expr) => string

Define a sound to play when reducing this expression. Result should be either a string referring to a sound loaded, or a function that returns such a string.


Type: string or function (semant, state, expr) => [ NodeID, string ] | null

Used to validate “side conditions” in small step semantics. If there is an error, return a 2-tuple of the offending node ID and a descriptive error message; otherwise, return null.


Type: string[]

If present, controls the order in which subexpressions are reduced before trying to small-step the parent expression. Should be a list of subexpression field names.


Type: (semant, state, expr, field) => boolean

If present, controls whether a subexpression should even be reduced before reducing the parent. For instance, an if statement does not want to reduce its branches before itself! This is also used to control whether a subexpression “matters”; the engine will prevent things like evaluation if an expression hole isn’t filled, but some expressions, like references-with-holes, don’t require that they are filled.

The function is given the name of a subexpression field and should return true or false.

See Notches below.

For working with expression objects, see Expression Fields.

[1]Because we have replication, beta-reduction needs to be able to produce multiple result expressions. Most of the evaluation engine is built around the 3-tuple described, so while having multiple results doesn’t really apply here, the signature still reflects it.

Concreteness Fading

Reduct-Redux has limited support for concreteness fading, a technique for teaching abstract concepts by transitioning from concrete representations to more abstract ones. For more details, see the original Reduct paper.

To specify alternative versions of an expression, the definition of an expression can actually be a list of alternate definitions. A level can specify which version to use by providing the index of the expression to use. See Level Definition Format.

Dynamic Subexpressions


This is an advanced feature. Look at how references are implemented for more details.

Type Checking


Type checking is incomplete and mostly non-functional.



Notches weren’t used in the final summer 2018 edition, and weren’t ever fully implemented.

Defining Parsing

In the overall semantics definition object, you should specify how to parse and unparse expressions in your language.

export default transform({
    name: "ECMAScript 6",
    parser: {
        parse: makeParser,
        unparse: makeUnparser,
        // ⋮

Simply provide the two functions as shown above. parse should be a curried function semant -> ((string -> macros) -> expression | expression[]). That is, given the final semantics module, return a function that takes a code fragment and a set of macros, and returns a parsed expression or list of parsed expressions (or raises an exception). unparse is similar, except the resulting function should not expect any macros. Both of these operate on mutable expressions.

Macros are a dictionary of names to functions that return expressions when invoked. You could also think of them as a namespace.

Miscellaneous Hooks

You can also define other special functions in the parser field.

Used to rename identifiers during parsing. (Available as semant.parser.templatizeName). This was implemented for the primitive value theming functionality.

Semantics Functions

Here module refers to the generated semantics module (the result of transform()). You might also see this referred to as semant or semantics elsewhere. There are quite a few more functions than documented here, so it’s worth reading through the sources.

// Various ways to get a reference to a semantics module. Usually
// it'll be passed as an argument called "semant" to a function you
// define, e.g. when defining an expression. Otherwise, it'll be
// part of the stage.
const module = stage.semantics;

Clone an immutable node and its children.


The remnants of type checking.


The original semantics definition.

module.definitionOf(exprOrType, fadeLevel)

Get the definition of the given expression, accounting for fade level.

module.detachable(state, parentId, childId)

Check whether a node is detachable from its parent.

module.droppable(state, itemId, targetId)

Can an expression have something dropped into it?


Compare two nodes for equality (recursively).


Convert a mutable node into an immutable one (recursively).


Check whether a node has any notches.

module.hydrate(nodes, expr)

Turn an immutable expression into a mutable one (recursively).


Check whether we should ignore the given node when matching nodes to determine victory.


Get the kind of an expression (e.g. “expression”, “statement”).

Apply a function to every node in a tree.

module.mightBeCompleted(state, checkVictory)

Determine if a level could possibly be completed.

module.notchesAttachable(stage, state, parentId, childId, notchPair)

Check whether two notches on two nodes can attach.

module.notchesCompatible(node1, node2)

Check whether two nodes have an ycompatible notches.

Search an immutable node and its children.

module.searchNoncapturing(nodes, targetName, exprId)

Search for lambda variable nodes, ignoring ones bound by a lambda with the same parameter name deeper in the tree.

module.shallowEqual(n1, n2)

Check for equality of fields (but not of subexpressions).


Return a list of field names containing subexpressions of an expression.

module.targetable(state, expr)

Is an expression selectable/hoverable by the mouse?

There are also “core” semantics functions you can use outside of having a semantics module:

import * as core from "./semantics/core";
core.genericBetaReduce(semant, state, config)

A generic function to apply a list of arguments to an expression.

TODO: there are lots more


These functions handle evaluating/stepping expressions. There are various “modes” of evaluation exposed.


Submodule for evaluating expressions.

module.interpreter.betaReduce(stage, state, exprId, argIds)

Apply a list of expressions to another expression.

module.interpreter.singleStep(state, expr, exprFilter)

Given an expression, find the first child that needs to have a step taken, or the first child that is blocking evaluation.

module.interpreter.smallStep(stage, state, expr)

Take a small step on this expression.

Requires that pertinent subexpressions (as defined by substepFilter, if present in the expression definition, otherwise all subexpressions) have been reduced first.

Returns:Array – The ID of the original expression, a list of IDs of resulting nodes, and a list of added nodes (which have IDs assigned and are immutable already).

A submodule containing evaluation strategies.